
Latest Resources

Are you ready to Tender?

By NICVA 10 Feb 2016

Organisations which are effective at tendering invest heavily in preparation; they have many standard documents ready well in advance of the tender notice being issued. This 'readiness questionnaire' will help identify areas to action.

Checklist of Questions for Partners Considering Collaboration

By NICVA 10 Feb 2016

This checklist is a simple guide to typical questions each partner will need to ask when considering collaborative working.

Collaborative Tendering Action Plan

By NICVA 10 Feb 2016

This is a simple table for you and your partner organisations to list actions that need to be taken to develop or improve your approach to tendering, the timeline they will be completed within, and who in you collaboration will take the lead.

Organisational Readiness Action Plan

By NICVA 10 Feb 2016

In order to ensure your organisation(s) are ready to jointly tender invest time now preparing. This template outlines the key areas you will need to have addressed in advance to have the best chance of success when submitting a joint tender bid.

Governance Action Plan for Collaboration

By NICVA 10 Feb 2016

This template action plan will allow you to list the actions your organisation will need to take to be prepared for collaborative working, who will be responsible for each action, and when each action will be completed by.

Board Checklist for Planning Collaboration

By NICVA 10 Feb 2016

This board checklist is a simple guide to typical questions your board will need to ask when considering collaborative working.

Top Tips for Collaboration from Collaboration Champions

By NICVA 10 Feb 2016

Top tips for collaborating are shared by a few of our 'Collaboration Champions'; sector leaders who know first hand the challenges and benefits of working in collaboration.


By NICVA 13 Jan 2016

Interest in mergers across the VCSE sector is growing and these may be appropriate where organisations are sufficiently compatible. This guidance gives an overview of the merger process and uses local case studies to illustrate some of the challenges.

Joint Working for Public Service Delivery: a model of collaborative working

By NICVA 13 Jan 2016

This guidance is designed to assist VCSE organisations considering joint working arrangements to deliver public services. It highlights the importance of putting a collaboration agreement in place to outline how costs and responsibility will be shared.

Sharing Back Office Services

By NICVA 13 Jan 2016

A volatile financial environment and increasing operating expenses and demand for services are causing organisations to look at innovation and change. This guidance note explores ‘shared services’ and some of the processes, risks and benefits involved.

Collaborating to Win Tenders

By NICVA 13 Jan 2016

As commissioners demand more innovation and expertise in contracted services collaboration between organisations is an attractive option. This guidance explains the potential challenges of joint tendering and how organisations can best prepare to respond.

Due Diligence

By NICVA 13 Jan 2016

When considering merger or joint working, due diligence is the process of investigation organisations undertake to obtain a better picture of the other organisation(s) involved, including their assets, liabilities and any potential risks.

Advice to Boards on Collaboration

By NICVA 13 Jan 2016

This guidance outlines the responsibilities of directors and trustees of VCSE organisations in relation to collaboration and provides useful information to ensure good governance oversight and appropriate board involvement in any collaborative process.

Good Governance: fundamental principles for collaboration

By NICVA 13 Jan 2016

This guidance outlines the eight fundamental principles and duties of trustees of boards of VCSE organisations. Together these form the building blocks of good governance for collaboration.

A Practical Guide to Collaborative Working

By NICVA 13 Jan 2016

This practical guidance is designed to assist organisations involved in, or considering, collaboration by providing an overview of the key issues that can influence collaborative working. Links to NI case studies are included to illustrate best practice.

Review Your Collaboration

By NICVA 6 Oct 2014 Andrea Egan

Organisations involved in collaborative work should review it at regular intervals. This questionnaire is a tool for collaborative work groups to use to begin to review their collaboration and assess if it is meeting its envisioned outcomes.


By NICVA 10 Jul 2014

When deciding whether to collaborate or merge all organisations must consider whether the employment legislation referred to as TUPE applies in relation to contracts of employment for their staff and, if so, what impact this will have on any process.

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